Philip G. Altbach. “Trends in Comparative Education”, en Comparative Education Review, vol. 35, n° 3, 1991.

  1. Actualmente existe una gran diversidad de corrientes de pensamiento en educacion comparada: “there is no clear intellectual center or overall direction” (…) “There are now many scholls of thought in comparative education, and none has dominance” (493).
  2. “The advent of the World Bank as a major source of research in comparative education has been a significant development in recent years. (…) Indeed, with the diminishing importance of Unesco as a source of research on education in cross-cultural perspective, the World Bank is probably the largest producer of comparative research on education. (503)
  3. “Comparative education has become a much more international field. It is no longer dominated by a few countries - there are scholars and researchers working throughout the world” (507).